Types of Contact Lenses

Contact Lens Types in Bronx, NY

Contact Lenses in Bronx, NY at Pelham Parkway Vision CenterIf you’re tired of wearing eyeglasses or if they’re affecting the way you play sports or do your job, you’re probably ready to move up to contact lenses. Today’s lenses come in such a large variety of styles and uses you may be confused about which ones are right for you.

At Pelham Parkway Vision Center our first step is to have our Bronx optometrist do a complete vision screening designed specifically for contact lens wearers. Our doctor will do the normal vision screening you’re used to, to find out the lens prescription you need to correct your vision, but they’ll also measure your eye’s shape and depth to determine the size and curvature of contact lens that’s right for your eyes.

Different Lenses for Different Eyes
The shape of your eyes can determine what kind of contact lenses are right for you, as well as your lifestyle. The most common contact lens, by far, are disposable lenses. These lenses are designed to be worn for a specific length of time, either for one day or for 7-30 days, and then thrown away. The next day you’ll put in a fresh new pair of lenses. The advantage to disposable lenses is that there is less of a chance for infection because they’re rarely handled and have less of a chance for stray bacteria to settle on their surface.

If you have astigmatism, your eyesight problems are caused by a football shaped cornea, which is a front part of the eye. Your lens prescription is different in one direction than it is in another. Toric lenses combine more than one prescription in a unique configuration that allows you to see normally.

Rigid gas permeable lenses are more like older lenses in that they’re taken out and cleaned every night, but they don’t have to be replaced as often. They’re more durable and less likely to tear than disposable lenses, and they offer superior vision quality.

Contact Our Bronx Optometrist Office
For any questions about contact lenses or to make an appointment at our Bronx office, call Pelham Parkway Vision Center at 718-829-2160. Our vision team will be happy to help with any questions you may have!

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